July 25, 2024 Abigail Singrey

Six Epic Fantasy Books You Need on Your Shelf

Are you a lover of epic adventures, fantastical creatures, and intricate world-building? Look no further, because I’ve compiled a list of six must-read fantasy books that will transport you to magical realms and leave you craving for more. From desolate desert worlds to Arthurian legends, here’s a diverse set of fantasy recommendations.


About the Book

Skyhunter by Marie Lu

Genre: YA Epic Fantasy, Dystopian

Book Review

The Strikers stand between the Federation and their monstrous Ghosts and the last free nation, Mara.

Talin was never supposed to be a Striker. Talin’s an underdog, a refugee in the nation of Mara. The only reason she’s even allowed to live inside the city gates is Corian, her Striker partner – known as a shield – who saw her fighting ability when they were children.

When Corian is bit by a dreaded ghost, Talin must fulfill her duty as his shield by killing him before he can turn into a ghost himself.

When a mysterious Federation soldier is captured, Talin surprises even herself when she fights to save his life. She gets more than she’s bargaining for when he’s discovered to be a Federation weapon known as a Skyhunter.

The action is non-stop in the second half of this book, with each fighting scene leading to the next. It keeps you on the edge of your seat, waiting to see what will happen next.

The characters have formed a great bond, and I enjoyed the bit of interaction we got to see them have. I would have loved to see the hints of romance explored a bit more fully, and to have the characters share more than romantic thoughts and an awareness of where the other was on the battlefield. But I’m a hopeless romantic. Perhaps it will happen in book two.

The dystopian world is immersive and interesting, with hints of our world within it. I’ll be excited to see the characters explore it even more fully. Marie Lu has laid a great foundation for the rest of the series.

The ending hit all the right notes, and I fully understood why the characters made the choices they did. Can’t wait to see what will happen in book two!

Thank you to NetGalley and the publisher for the advance review copy of this book in exchange for an honest review.

By Blood, By Salt

About the Book

By Blood, By Salt by J.L. Odom

Genre: Epic Fantasy, Military Fantasy

Book Review

When a battalion gets embroiled in a plot to unseat an emperor, they are sent deep into the desert alongside the Emperor’s brother to capture a Sahr devil. No one expects them to return alive, much less succeed.

At the heart of the book are two fascinating, memorable characters – Azleta and the Sahr Devil he captures – whose fates are linked. Azleta’s a member of a scorned minority race, who’s risen to second in command in his battalion despite his roots. He keeps his head on his shoulders through a careful dance of obeisance and authority, even while he yearns for more. The Sahr Devil he captures is a complicated character with layered motives, who manages to stay one move ahead of everyone else in the game they’re playing despite her captivity. These main characters drove the plot, but even the minor characters are vividly written and unforgettable.

The gritty details keep the reader grounded in this brutal desert world, where religion dictates loyalties and having the wrong bloodline could get you ritually sacrificed. I also never dreamed I could find the intricacies of power struggles in a battalion so interesting!

A compelling military fantasy debut that sets up the next book in the series perfectly. I cannot wait to see where the author takes these characters next!


The Stardust Thief

About the Book

The Stardust Thief by Chelsea Abdullah

Genre: Sword and Sorcery Fantasy, Epic Fantasy

Book Review

Tales of the Arabian Nights weave through the captivating worldbuilding in this start to a fantasy trilogy.

In a world where jinn are hunted and killed, a Jinn killer, a relic hunter, a hidden Jinn and a bookish prince team up to find the greatest relic of all, a legendary magic lamp. This is a mission directly from the Sultan himself. But of course, complications ensue as the characters’ loyalties point them in different directions. Not all of them will make it to the end of the mission as they fight to survive and take control the relics.

Loulie is great as the tough-as-nails relic hunter who has a Jinn bodyguard. I loved how soft-hearted Prince Maven was blackmailed into pretending to be his killer brother for the journey. I couldn’t wait for Loulie to begin discovering it so she could find some hints to how he felt about her.

I loved the concept of the souls of jinn living on in the relics they left behind. It added interesting elements, bringing old betrayals to life. At a certain point, the magic system confused me a little, when a character’s special powers allowed them to break previously established “rules.” But the characters themselves made up for that.

A page-turning fantasy set in a brutal desert world filled with nightmares, living and dead.


About the Book

Forestborn by Elayne Audrey Becker

Genre: YA Sword and Sorcery Fantasy, Epic Fantasy

Book Review

This was one of my favorite kinds of fantasy – a high-stakes, epic quest with some light enemies to lovers romance.

Rora and her brother Helos are shifters, who have an uneasy arrangement with the royal family in their borrowed country of Telyan. All magical people are viewed with suspicion, and outright hunted in a nearby country. But Rora serves the king as a spy, which gains her a place. But when non-magical people began falling ill and dying of a mysterious illness called the Fallow Throes, including Prince Finley, the only friend Rora and Helos have, they agree to go on a quest to retrieve stardust from the giants to save them. Unfortunately, the King insists on sending Prince Weslyn, who has never seemed to like Rora and Helos, and has secret missions of his own. Even worse, Rora and Helos will have to travel to the Vale, a magical place where the very land shifts beneath them and everything wants to kill them. Thanks to Prince Weslyn’s presence, the party also finds themselves entangled in political situations that come to a boil, straining the bonds between some characters and strengthening the ties between others.

This book features nonstop action, strong friendships between characters and a fierce, big-hearted protagonist who’s willing to face the place that scares her most in order to save her best friend and others.

Thank you to Tor Teen for the advance review copy of this book.

The Ivory Key

About the Book

The Ivory Key by Akshaya Raman

Genre: YA Epic Fantasy

Book Review

A fractured family with differing agendas fights to save their kingdom.

Vira, the heir, struggles to rule in her mother’s place, gaining the respect of her advisers and finding her own way. She’s made tough choices, including imprisoning her own sweet half-brother Kaleb to make her council happy. Bitter, angry Ronak wants only to free Kaleb and run, leaving everything else behind. And Riya did run, teaming up with vigilante robbers The Ravens to bring needed supplies to the people. But the murder of Vira’s fiancé and Rita’s return to the palace forces the siblings to plot and scheme, both together and against each other. Their magic quarry is running out, but the siblings are closing in on the ivory key, rumored to be able to unlock three other quarries.

This fantasy is Indian-inspired, with intriguing legends and a magic system. This is the first book in a duology and it sets up the second book nicely.

Thank you to Netgalley and the publisher for the advance review copy of this book in exchange for an honest review.

Silver in the Bone

About the Book

Silver in the Bone by Alexandra Bracken

Genre: YA Dark Fantasy

Book Review

A unique take on Arthurian legend.

Tamsin and Cabell are found siblings, making a living stealing magical objects for sorceresses after their guardian disappeared. Cabell struggles under a curse, and Tamsin becomes obsessed with an object she thinks may be able to break it: a ring from Arthurian legend.

Tamsin and Cabell find themselves part of a misfit expedition along with Neve, a sorceress who isn’t sure how to use her power, and Emrys, a rich guild member who Tamsin loves to call Trust Fund. Together, they find a way to another world, Avalon, straight from Arthurian legend. But things take a dark turn when they find Avalon under a curse. In the end, the characters are conflicted between saving Avalon and themselves.

Neve was my absolute favorite character. As a naive, loveable, nerdy sorceress who’s out of her depth yet constantly saving the day, she breaks through the other character’s walls through her pure goodness. She refuses to let them stay mopey and distant. Emrys was interesting as a love interest for Tamsin, though it takes her a while to realize he’s interested. Tamsin’s intense love for Cabell and willingness to do anything to save him made her a heroine to root for.

The ending packs a punch. I didn’t love this as much as Lore, but still an interesting read.

Thank you to Netgalley and the publisher for the advance review copy of this book in exchange for an honest review.

Need more to read? Find all my fantasy recommendations here.

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Abigail Singrey

Abigail Singrey is a storyteller, brand strategist and confirmed bookworm. She's the kind of person who wants to stop and pick up every stray dog by the side of the road and buy every book in Barnes and Noble.