January 25, 2024 Abigail Singrey

The Superlatte That Cured My Morning Headaches

Get caffeine without a caffeine crash

Me sipping a mug full of Clevr Blends Superlatte


A mug filled with Clevr Blends Chai SuperlatteBefore I turned thirty, I didn’t really care what I put in my body. I had all the energy I needed to tackle my day and feel great. Then the dreaded 3-0 hit. As I’ve gotten older, I’ve added supplements to recreate that young feeling! But I hate taking loads of pills.

So when I heard about Clevr Blends Superlattes through news coverage of Meghan Markle being an investor, I was intrigued. We share a passion for women-lead businesses, and I decided to give the superlattes a try.

My headache banisher: Clevr Blends

I used to often start my morning with a headache. Someone suggested giving up coffee, but that went too far! Instead, I went looking for a better coffee, and I found a blend that’s both easy and healthy.

I found a better way to start my mornings with Clevr Blends Superlattes. Now, I don’t have morning headaches anymore. Also, I can skip the jitters and afternoon crash. Clevr Blends uses ingredients to promote heightened focus & smooth, long-lasting energy. We should be able to get the spunk without the crash!

Even better, each of the blends contains 3 powerful adaptogens, 500 million heat-safe probiotics, and healthy superfoods. It’s a wellness ritual, wrapped up in a decadent oat milk latte. I’ve used it to replace my morning probiotic, which means one less pill.

As easy as my Keurig!

A package of Clevr Blends Chai Superlatte with a coffee mugI’ve always loved easy coffee. I was a Keurig die-hard for years. I know myself, and I’m never going to be doing super-complicated craft coffee at home. Too many things to wash afterwards! Plus, I’m always in a rush in the morning.

Clevr Blends Superlattes mix together in less than thirty seconds. Simply add three scoops of powder (the mocha smells so delightful as soon as you open the package!). Then add hot water. You can either use your Keurig or simply your microwave to have a coffee-shop worthy latte in less than a minute. Simply froth (Clevr Blends has a starter kit with a frother!) or whisk, and you’re ready to go!

Want coffee that can help you be your best self?

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Abigail Singrey

Abigail Singrey is a storyteller, brand strategist and confirmed bookworm. She's the kind of person who wants to stop and pick up every stray dog by the side of the road and buy every book in Barnes and Noble.