June 6, 2024 Abigail Singrey

Four tips to easily build up bookstagram content

Maximize your results with bulk content creation

A laptop displaying a bookstagram account in front of a pile of books.

It can be hard to find time to create content for your bookstagram account, because let’s face it, you still want to read all the books! With these tips, you can create eye-catching and high-quality content without spending hours each day on your account. Get ready to take your bookstagram game to the next level!

Use the same backdrop for multiple bookstagram photos.

If you’re going to the trouble of making a mess with a big setup and pulling a lot of books off your shelves, you want to get the most out of it!

It’s easy to make the same set-up work for multiple books, especially when the overall color is neutral, such as white, tan or navy. Then simply swap in props that match color elements from the book cover, and it’ll look like the set-up was created just for that book!

Here, I’ve played with whites and pops of blue, pink and purple to make this staging work for me:

Use photo presets to make editing easier.

While Instagram has recently increased the number of filters, making it easier to edit photos in app, I often still use outside apps to fix the lighting. My favorite to play around with is Lightroom, which makes photo editing with a consistent look and feel easy with presets. One of the best purchases I ever made was Jenna Kutcher’s Lightroom presets, which can fix your lighting and make almost any photo Instagram influencer worthy!

(And no, I’m not paid to say this, I just really love them!)

Use a content scheduler to space out similar posts.

Even though you’ve saved time and created all those posts with a similar backdrop, you don’t want to post them all at once. Variety keeps your Instagram grid interesting and aesthetic.

The best way to space them out is with a content scheduler such as my favorite, Tailwind. That way I can easily plan when I want to use the posts and see at a glance what my grid will look like. This keeps me from using too many similar pictures at once. I post five times a week, and I try to have at least three weeks between posts with similar props or set-ups.

The best part about Tailwind is the always free plan! I started with the always free plan but have since upgraded to the Advanced plan so I can schedule posts for multiple Instagram accounts. Tailwind makes it so easy to upload my photos, write my captions and add hashtags. You can tag accounts and see lists of recently used hashtags, as well.

If you want to learn more about Tailwind, I wrote a detailed blog post on how I schedule content.

(As a Tailwind affiliate, I may receive commission from purchases using my affiliate link).

Use the time you save to engage with other bookstagram accounts.

The best way to grow your Instagram account is through organically engaging with similar accounts. When you cut down on the amount of time you need to spend creating content, this frees you up to enjoy talking with people with similar interests in the bookstagram community and beyond! Use this time to visit your Explore page or go to your follower lists and leave likes and comments on active pages that you haven’t visited in a while.

Above all, don’t forget to have fun!

Want more bookstagram tips? Find all my best ideas here.


Abigail Singrey

Abigail Singrey is a storyteller, brand strategist and confirmed bookworm. She's the kind of person who wants to stop and pick up every stray dog by the side of the road and buy every book in Barnes and Noble.